Exercise to Energise!

Everyone should try to exercise to live a healthier life. According to the NHS, exercise can reduce your risk of major illnesses by up to 50% – that’s things like high blood pressure, stroke, type 2 diabetes, cancer and depression.Exercise can alsolower your risk of early death by up to 30%.

But as well as the health benefits, exercise in any form helps us “feel good” in many ways. For example more oxygen is pumped to the brain when we exercise and it also stimulates the release of feel good hormones, whilst suppressing the stress inducing ones. Exercise promotes new brain connections which could even preserve brain health.

Best of all, you don’t need a prescription to do it and it can be free!

It can take a bit of effort to start exercising especially if you are new to it. But you’ll reap the benefits in a noticeable way.

You can read more about this here!

Source: Evergreen-Life

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